Thursday, September 6, 2012

Change Startup Programs in Windows

Method 1:
1. In the Start Menu search line, type shell:startup and press Enter.
Open this folder: C:\Users\(User-Name)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Drag the programs that you want to add to the start-up.

Method 2:
Go to Start -> All Programs -> Start Up
And Drag the programs that you want to add to the start-up

Method 3:
Go to Start -> Type "msconfig" in search or run option and Hit Enter
Enable and Disable Program from the list.

Method 4:
Open Regedit.msc from Run Option.
Modify the keys below for start-up programs:


Method 5:
Use Softwares such as Glary Utilities, CCleaner, Windows Manager, etc

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