Monday, January 30, 2012

Making Desktop changes permanent

To make changes to the Desktop like window size, positon after rebooting:
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Create a New Binary Value
Name it NoSaveSettings
Give it a value of 01 00 00 00

Create New Email Shortcut

To create a shortcut that will open your default e-mail program starting a new e-mail,
Right click on an open area of the desktop
Select New / Shortcut
For the Command Line, enter mailto:
For the title enter something like New E-Mail
When you click on this your default e-mail program should start with a new e-mail form.

Restore Desktop

If you ever lose the Desktop but Explorer is still running with the Start Button,
you can do this to bring back your Desktop in a Windows box.

Click Start
Click Run
Type a period " . "
Then press Enter

Organizing Program Start-ups

Start the Explorer
Go to Windows / Start Menu / Programs
Create new folders with the categories you want (e.g. Graphics, Utilities, Internet etc.)
Now move the shortcuts to those programs in Windows / Start Menu / Programs to whichever category you decide.
This can greatly reduce clutter and make it a lot easier to find your programs.

Removing Microsoft Copyright from CMD

When you start a DOS window, the Microsoft Copyright notice shows.
To disable it, add the /K switch in the Program tab.
For example: C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM /k

Show DOS History

You can show and recall the history of commands you enter and the DOS prompt.

To recall previous commands, use the up arrow key.
A complete list of previous commands can be shown if you press the F7 key
To use one, press F9 and the number of the command you want to use
To clear the cache, press Alt+F7

Adding Folders to toolbar

You can quickly access commonly used folders from your Toolbar

Right-click on an open place of Toolbar
Choose Toolbars / New Toolbar
Browse to the directory you want to add
Now on the toolbar you will see the name of that folder displayed.
Click on the >> to open any sub-folders as well.